Special Called Meeting Notice, Franklin County School Board

Franklin County School Board will have a special called meeting Monday January 4, 2021 at the Board of Education at 6 pm. he agenda will be a discussion of the possibility of mandatory mask in our schools for the upcoming school semester for students, and staff members at our schools in Franklin County. The Messenger received this notice on Dec. 31, 2020.

Message from FC Mayor Office on Vaccine Administration

The Mayor’s office would like to share the latest information that we have received from the Tennessee Department of Health regarding the COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. Please note that this plan is EVER CHANGING because of limited supplies. Franklin County has received the Moderna vaccine. On the afternoon of 12/30/2020, the Franklin County Health Department was notified they could start administering the vaccine to 75+ years old. As of today, Thursday, December 31, 2020 the vaccine dispensing dates are below:

Saturday- January 2, 2020
Franklin County High School (around the back entrance to the gym)
Monday- Friday- January 4-January 8, 2020
Franklin County Health Department

TDH Updates COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

Tennessee to Begin Age-based Vaccination

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 | 10:47am

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Health has updated the Tennessee COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and its phased approach to administering COVID-19 vaccines to Tennesseans.

“COVID-19 vaccines remain limited at this time, and Tennessee’s allocation plan prioritizes those most at risk of illness and death from COVID-19,” said Tennessee Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP. “The plan also prioritizes critical infrastructure workers who have direct public exposure or work in environments posing a higher risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19.“

Updates to the Tennessee COVID-19 Vaccination Plan are focused on reducing risks:
• Risk to our health care infrastructure – keeping frontline health care workers at the bedside, while reducing demand on hospital capacity
• Risk to individual health outcomes – protecting the most vulnerable Tennesseans first
• Risk to our society and economy – preserving the workforce in our highest risk areas

Tennessee has updated the state’s plan based on new recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and discussions with Tennessee’s Unified Command Group and a stakeholder group of more than 30 partner agencies and organizations. These phases are as follows and are subject to additional changes pending further recommendations from the ACIP and other federal and state partners:


Tennessee’s updated plan includes three allocation phases, based on risk and informed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine. Tennessee is now in Phase 1a, which is subdivided into two phases: Phase 1a1 for in-patient health care providers, first responders with direct exposure to the public and staff members and residents of long-term care facilities, and Phase 1a2 for those primarily working in outpatient health care settings. Equity remains a crosscutting consideration of Tennessee’s plan, with attention given to ensure unlicensed health care workers, low wage earners and those with limited access to health care resources will have access to vaccination.

Individuals qualifying for vaccination under Phases 1a1 and 1a2 may be offered vaccine by their employer, through their local health department or through a partnering hospital. Staff members and residents of long-term care facilities will be provided vaccinations through the federal partnership with Walgreens and CVS, in partnership with a local pharmacy or via TDH vaccination strike teams. Phase 1a1 and 1a2 individuals should check with their employer or contact their local health department for more information.

Tennessee is also beginning age-based vaccination in ten-year age brackets, starting with those aged 75 and above. Later Phase 1 groups consist of Phase 1b, which includes teachers and staff members of child care centers and kindergarten through 12th grade schools and other first responders not covered under Phase 1a1; and Phase 1c, which includes people aged 16 or older who have high-risk health conditions.

Subsequent phases prioritize critical infrastructure industries. Employees in industries not specified in the phases will become eligible as their age group is reached or according to their individual risk.

It is important to note Tennessee counties may progress through phases at different times, depending on supply of the COVID-19 vaccines and demand for them. To learn what phase your county is in, visit www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-coronavirus/CountyPhaseStatus.pdf or call your local county health department.

TDH reminds all Tennesseans that in addition to vaccination, wearing a face mask, maintaining social distance and getting tested when exposed or sick are critical to controlling the pandemic.

Tennessee’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan is available online at www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-coronavirus/COVID-19_Vaccination_Plan.pdf. Find answers to frequently asked questions about COVID-19 vaccination at https://covid19.tn.gov/prevention/vaccine/.
The mission of the Tennessee Department of Health is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of people in Tennessee. Learn more about TDH services and programs at www.tn.gov/health.

Special Called Meeting Notice, Town of Monteagle


The Town of Monteagle will have a special called meeting on January 18, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Conference Room at City Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to have the Second reading of Ordinance 01-21 An Ordinance to authorize additional membership for the Planning Commission, First reading of Ordinance 02-21 an ordinance to adopt the official Zoning Map, and First reading of Ordinance 03-21 to adopt the Zoning Ordinance.

The Messenger received this notice on Dec. 29, 2020.

CARES Act Unemployment Extension (H.R. 133)

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) is currently reviewing details of the CARES Act Unemployment Extension (H.R. 133) Congress recently passed and President Donald Trump signed into law.

TDLWD will provide claimants additional information regarding the next steps they need to take to receive the modified federal unemployment benefits listed in HR 133 once it has the program rules from the United States Department of Labor (USDOL).

TDLWD must wait on program guidance from the USDOL before it can begin the implementation of H.R. 133. There is no firm timeline as to when states will receive this guidance from the federal government. The state cannot pay benefits until it receives rules for these modified programs. Once that happens, TDLWD will work to implement the changes as quickly as possible to provide these much-needed benefits to eligible claimants in Tennessee.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

  • Will provide up to an additional 11 weeks of benefits, to a maximum of 50 weeks.
  • Weekly certification will be required.
  • Claimants will be required to provide documentation of eligibility to qualify for PUA beginning Jan. 31, 2021.
  • PUA will be available until the week ending March 13, 2021 (no new applications after that date), with an allowance for three additional weeks of benefits for those who have not reached the maximum number of weeks through the week ending April 3, 2021.

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)

  • Will provide up to 11 weeks of an additional $300 weekly benefit to eligible claimants.
  • A claimant must be eligible through a separate unemployment program to receive FPUC.
  • Once implemented, FPUC will be available to cover weeks of unemployment between Dec. 27, 2020, and the week ending March 13, 2021.

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)

  • Will provide up to an additional 11 weeks of benefits, to a maximum of 24 weeks.
  • PEUC will be available until the week ending March 13, 2021 (no new applications after that date), with an allowance of three additional weeks of benefits for those who have not reached the maximum number of weeks through the week ending April 3, 2021.

Advisory: State Services Impacted by Technology Issues

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee state government continues to work to recover from interruptions to state services due to technology outages as a result of Christmas Day events in Nashville. As a result, many services are not yet available across the state.

Services impacted include (but may not be limited to):

  • Tennessee child abuse hotline (telephone lines only; web referrals remain operational)
  • TennCare Connect
  • Drivers’ license services
  • Adult protective services
  • Animal Diagnostic Laboratory services at Ellington Agricultural Center
  • Telephone services for applying for certain programs for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

To access information and updates on these and other state services, Tennesseans can go to the state’s main page https://www.tn.gov and search for a service or go to the MyTN app, the state’s application that includes information about many services.

State buildings in Davidson County will be closed on Monday, December 28. Telephone and internet services may also be affected in these buildings. Affected state employees have been advised of work plans to maintain government operations as effectively as possible.

Gov. Bill Lee Remarks as Prepared for Delivery on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Gov. Bill Lee Remarks as Prepared for Delivery on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sunday, December 20, 2020 | 07:22pm

Good evening Tennesseans. It’s Christmas week, ordinarily a time when families across the state are gathering to celebrate. Unfortunately, these are not ordinary times. We are in a global pandemic that’s been crippling our country for months and now Tennessee is ground zero for a surge in sickness. I am speaking with you tonight because I want to be clear with where we are and what we need to do together to get through this.

We now have around 10,000 Tennesseans getting sick every day. To put that in perspective, that’s three times where we were around Halloween. Thousands of our neighbors are in the hospital tonight. More than 100 people are dying each day. We are in a war. With the arrivals of the first vaccine, we have launched an offensive that will end this war. But it is the next few weeks that is going to be the most critical for our state.

We have seen firsthand that Thanksgiving gatherings and extended time indoors have been the principal driver in spreading COVID-19 like wildfire. It only took a matter of days to see gatherings around Thanksgiving translate into a record level of sickness. Tennessee cannot sustain a similar surge after Christmas or New Year’s. Tonight, I am asking you to make some hard decisions.

I am asking you to not engage in indoor gatherings for the holidays that include anyone outside your household. Family time and celebrations are important. I understand deeply how much Tennessee families need each other. But we must do all that we can to blunt this surge and keep more Tennesseans from getting sick.

But beyond family gatherings and what I am asking you to do in your own home, we need to address public gatherings through these important weeks, as well.

I am signing an order that will limit indoor public gatherings to 10 people.

I believe high school sports are important for our kids and they should continue. In coordination with the TSSAA, we are limiting attendance at indoor sporting events.

We know that it is gatherings that have caused this surge. That is why we are making these decisions around gatherings that will help us blunt the rise in cases.

Additionally, I am asking business owners to let employees work from home for the next 30 days. If work from home is not available, masks should be worn at work. Plain and simple.

I want to talk about the importance of wearing masks around people who do not live in your home. Right now, 70% of Tennesseans are under a mask requirement. I commend the local officials who have implemented mask requirements. Because of that, 80% of Tennesseans report they wear their masks most or all of the time and I thank them for doing this. We need them to continue and the remaining 20% to wear a mask and protect their health.

Many think a statewide mandate would improve mask wearing, many think it would have the opposite effect. This has been a heavily politicized issue. Please do not get caught up in that and don’t misunderstand my belief in local government on this issue. Masks work and I want every Tennessean to wear one.

Tennesseans have two weapons that they must use in the next 30 days: only gather with your household and wear a mask.

The State of Tennessee will continue to mobilize every effective resource in this war. COVID testing is available to everyone free of charge. Vaccines are being delivered to every corner of the state. We are getting hundreds of thousands of vaccines out to our nursing home residents and health care workers so they can be vaccinated.

As our hospitals face this surge of sick Tennesseans, we have authorized the National Guard medics to work in hospitals and provide lifesaving care. We have established COVID specific nursing homes so that we protect the most vulnerable and help hospitals free up critical bedspace. We will continue to utilize every effective resource but government cannot do this alone.

We are in a cold, cruel phase of this pandemic. It will get worse before it gets better. I know you are tired. But we have got to double down. I am reminded of Winston Churchill’s words during the darkest days of World War II: “It would be foolish to disguise the gravity of the hour. It would be still more foolish to lose heart and courage.”

I believe in the courage of Tennesseans to face this darkest hour. I believe that victory will be ours and we have the power to determine how long this extends. If we each do our part, we will win and move to a new season of health and prosperity for our state.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to each Tennessean for their attention and care tonight. God bless the State of Tennessee.

TDH Launches COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Dashboard

Daily Data Report Shifting to 5 p.m. Central Time

Friday, December 18, 2020 | 11:00am

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Department of Health will provide data on COVID-19 vaccines administered in the state via a new dashboard to be provided online at www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov/covid-19-vaccine-information.html. This dashboard will launch Dec. 18 and will be updated each Tuesday and Friday.

Tennessee’s COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting dashboard will include data on total vaccinations reported, vaccinations reported in the last day and within the last week. The dashboard will also display the percentage of each county’s population that has been vaccinated. The first reports shared via this dashboard will reflect Tennesseans who have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Future versions will also provide data on Tennesseans who have been fully vaccinated with both their first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

“We are eager to offer this tool to track our progress in implementing Tennessee’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan and making this important preventive measure available to Tennesseans in every county of our state,” said Tennessee Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP.

TDH continues to provide daily COVID-19 data reports and will publish these reports by 5 p.m. Central time daily effective on Friday, Dec. 18. Tennessee’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan was last updated Dec. 2 and will be modified as more is learned about the vaccines Tennessee will receive. The plan is available online at www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-coronavirus/COVID-19_Vaccination_Plan.pdf.

Tennessee’s local health departments continue to offer COVID-19 testing five days a week at no charge to those wishing to be tested. TDH testing sites across the state will employ self-testing kits for adults three days a week beginning December 21, to allow staff members to transition to vaccination of frontline health care providers and first responders. Find testing hours and contact information for TDH health department testing sites online at https://covid19.tn.gov/testing-sites/.

The mission of the Tennessee Department of Health is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of people in Tennessee. Learn more about TDH services and programs at www.tn.gov/health.

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Arriving in Tennessee, Next Steps Announced

Supplies Expected to Arrive at Tennessee Health Departments Next Week

Thursday, December 17, 2020 | 01:06pm

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Department of Health today announced the state expects to receive its first shipment of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on or around Dec. 21.

Tennessee expects to receive an initial allocation of a total of 115,000 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine over the next two weeks, following Emergency Use Authorization issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and recommendations released by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine should be shipped for delivery Dec. 21 to all 95 Tennessee county health departments. Smaller hospitals that are not receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine are expected to receive Moderna vaccine the week of Dec. 28.

The FDA announced Wednesday that vials of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which are labeled as containing five doses, may include enough of the vaccine to provide six or possibly seven doses. FDA has announced these additional doses may be used, meaning Tennessee may have as many as 11,000 more doses of this vaccine to provide than originally expected.

“We are excited to receive these additional vaccines and see our COVID-19 vaccination activities underway,” said Tennessee Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP. “Tennessee county health department staff members will administer the Moderna vaccine to first responders, home health care providers and student health care providers in partnership with these organizations and their local community emergency management agencies.”

The following table provides specific information about the vaccines Tennessee will receive to date:

COVID-19 VaccinePfizer-BioNTechModerna
Shipping DateDec. 16, 2020Est. Dec. 20, 2020
Target Date to Begin AdministrationDec. 17, 2020Est. Dec. 21, 2020
Priority Population for VaccinationFrontline hospital health care workersFrontline hospital health care workers, first responders, long-term care facility residents and staff, home health providers, student health providers
Number of Doses56,550*115,200
Location28 sites covering 74 hospitals95 county health departments and small hospitals that did not receive Pfizer vaccine
Storage RequirementsUltra-cold storage (-70° F)Frozen storage (-20°F)

*Approximately 11,000 additional doses anticipated

Initial supplies of the COVID-19 vaccines are limited. The first allocations of both the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines in Tennessee will be used to provide first vaccine doses to individuals qualifying for Phase 1a1, as detailed in the COVID-19 Vaccination Plan for Tennessee. It is important to note these Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are not interchangeable; each patient must receive two doses of the same vaccine to be protected against COVID-19. Those who choose to receive the vaccine will receive a card with the date of their first dose, the name/manufacturer of the vaccine received and the date on which they should receive their second dose.

“Tennessee’s plan for allocation of COVID-19 vaccine has been thoughtfully developed with a focus on how best to serve our diverse populations and communities, and to ensure distribution of vaccination sites across all 95 counties, especially in rural areas and those with high concentrations of people in vulnerable populations,” Piercey said.

Tennessee’s COVID-19 vaccination plan was last updated Dec. 2 and will be modified as more is learned about the vaccines Tennessee will receive.

Tennessee’s local health departments continue to offer COVID-19 testing five days a week at no charge to those wishing to be tested. TDH testing sites across the state will employ self-testing kits for adults three days a week beginning Dec. 21, to allow staff members to transition to vaccination of frontline health care providers and first responders. Find testing hours and contact information for TDH health department testing sites online at https://covid19.tn.gov/testing-sites/.

The mission of the Tennessee Department of Health is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of people in Tennessee. Learn more about TDH services and programs at www.tn.gov/health.

​Artist Professional Development Workshop from Tennessee Craft and Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts

Tennessee Craft announces its 2021 professional development workshop, “Unmute Yourself: How to Share Your Art,” which is sponsored by Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts and will be held via Zoom webinar, January 23 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. CST. Tickets are $30 for Tennessee Craft members and $45 for non-members. Visit tennesseecraft.org/workshops to register.

Keynote speaker Elisheba Israel Mrozik is a multi-disciplinary tattoo and fine artist and owner of One Drop Ink in Nashville. Originally from Memphis, she recently exhibited twice at the Frist Art Museum and is a prominent and successful spokesperson for arts in her North Nashville community and beyond. Elisheba’s artist talk will be followed by a time for Q&A from workshop guests. Following the keynote, participants will join breakout sessions based on their interests, with feedback to hone artistic presentation, including writing your artist statement, photographing your work, crafting an elevator speech, framing your online persona and more! Breakout sessions will be led by Kimberly Winkle (Professor of Art and Director of the School of Art, Craft & Design at Tennessee Technological University), JoEl Logiudice (independent fiber/textile artist, instructor and arts administrator), Kelly Hider (Youth Education Program Manager at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts), and others.

Tennessee Craft exhibiting photographer and internationally acclaimed saxophonist Marion Meadows will close the workshop with a live performance.

​SUD Unaccounted Water Decreases; Employee Holiday Bonus

by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer

Reporting on operations at the Dec. 15 meeting of the Sewanee Utility District Board of Commissioners, SUD manager Ben Beavers cited two circumstances resulting in a substantial decrease in unaccounted for water loss. Board business included appointing an auditor for 2021 and voting to approve a commissioner’s suggestion to give SUD employees a small holiday bonus.

Unaccounted for water loss is the difference between water produced at the plant and water passing through customer meters, meaning SUD is not paid for the water. Beavers’ report showed unaccounted for water loss decreased by almost half, from an annual average of 28.1 percent to 15.6 percent for November. Beavers attributed a large portion of the change to finding and repairing a water-main leak in Sewanee Summit. Zone metering had been showing a 1.25 gallon per minute (gpm) loss, which for a five-day period jumped to 25-30 gpm. Beavers walked the rugged terrain and eventually found the leak by observing surface water. Leaks in the area are difficult to locate because the water line is buried 6-8 feet underground. Beavers speculated the line had been leaking for some time. With repair of the leak, the zone meter registered a water loss decrease to 0.5 gpm.

Beavers also attributed decrease in unaccounted for water loss to replacement of three residential meters and one residence hall meter that “quit working.” He estimated the residence hall used 100,000 gallons per month.

The board appointed the MG Group to perform SUD’s audit again in 2021. The board has also retained the MG Group to generate a series of reports to assist SUD in long-range planning.

Commissioner Randall Henley introduced the discussion about giving SUD employees a small holiday bonus. SUD has eight employees. Henley suggested $100 per employee. “It’s not much,” Henley said. He pointed out SUD usually treated employees and their families to a holiday dinner, but the event was canceled due to the pandemic. Commissioner Doug Cameron observed the dinner would have cost more than the $800 in bonuses. “It would be a show of good faith,” said SUD Board President Charlie Smith. Smith suggested the bonuses could come from the board’s Planning and Governance budget. Commissioner Ronnie Hoosier pointed out SUD did not replace an employee in 2020 due to difficult financial constraints, and SUD employees covered for the employee’s absence uncompensated. Likewise, due to financial constraints, SUD employees will receive no raise in 2021. After discussion, the board voted to give all employees a $250 holiday bonus.

Addressing finances, Beavers said revenue was 5 percent below budget at the end of November. “We’ll finish the year with a net loss of position, but it’s not horrible.” In May, Beavers had speculated SUD could suffer a 28 percent decrease in anticipated revenue due to the absence of students and cancellation of summer programs. The water sales revenue loss has been somewhat offset by higher-than-expected new water tap revenue, 20 new taps for the year to date. “Land sales are hopping,” Beavers observed.

The board approved the nomination of Smith as a candidate for the January commissioner election. SUD customers interested in serving on the board can become a commissioner candidate by submitting a petition with the names of 10 SUD customers by Jan. 4. For more information, contact the SUD office. Voting for the SUD commissioner election begins Jan. 4 and will continue through Jan. 19 at the SUD office, 150 Sherwood Rd., Sewanee, during regular business hours, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. The SUD office will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

​SCCF/OCE Community Development Director Nicky Hamilton Moving to New Role at the University of the South

As of Jan. 1, 2021, Nicky Hamilton will take on the position of assistant vice president, government & strategic partnerships, as a member of the University of the South’s economic development and community relations efforts.

In this new role, Hamilton will be responsible for partnering with public and private organizations to form collaborations and partnerships that advance the University’s agenda concerning responsible economic development of the Domain, and sustained, productive community relations with local, city, and state governments. Hamilton will also be a resource to collaborate across departments and help develop innovative partnerships supporting student success and other institutional priorities.

Known for her many contributions to the University of the South, Hamilton has served in various roles during her 16-year career in higher education. At Sewanee she has held the positions of assistant director of admissions and director of residential life, and co-created the University’s Intergroup Dialogue Course and 213-A Leaders Program. Currently Hamilton serves as director of community development in a joint position for the University’s Office of Civic Engagement (OCE) and South Cumberland Community Fund (SCCF), the latter of which is the first philanthropic organization to serve the South Cumberland Plateau. Hamilton has had a significant impact on advancing the missions of the OCE and SCCF, including building one of the largest, award-winning AmeriCorps VISTA programs in the state of Tennessee; establishing the USDA Summer Meal Program in collaboration with the University’s McClurg Dining Hall; and creating the Philanthropy Internship Program which invests $30,000 through a student-led grant-making process. Together with SCCF’s grants and community development programs nearly $200,000 is invested annually in community initiatives led by nonprofits and public agencies. Hamilton also directed SCCF’s grants process, and, most recently, engaged the Plateau community in conversations about future priorities for the region.

In response to this change, Jim Peterman, director of the Office of Civic Engagement, said, “In her work as director of community development, Nicky helped move forward the University’s innovative partnership with SCCF, and through that supported nonprofits and government entities throughout the South Cumberland Plateau. We look forward to working with Nicky in her new role, which will enhance and grow the University’s focus on community relations with local, city, and state government entities.”

“For the past six years Nicky has held a unique role as liaison between the University’s Office of Civic Engagement and South Cumberland Community Fund,” said SCCF Chair, Sheri Lawrence. “We are deeply grateful for her service, as the knowledge and experience that she has brought to her role as community development director has allowed both organizations to successfully collaborate with numerous nonprofits and community organizations across the Plateau.”

Hamilton graduated from Sewanee in 1999 as a Desmond Tutu Scholar with a degree in psychology, and in 2012 earned a Master of Public Service from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service. Her work there included a collaboration with the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre in South Africa, the establishment of an educational nonprofit, and work in fundraising.

​Changes to Garbage and Curbside Recycling Services in Sewanee

The Office of Leases and Community Relations has announced changes in garbage and recycling services for University of the South leaseholders.

Richardson Waste Removal, based in Fayetteville, Tenn., recently acquired the garbage service business following the death of longtime provider Joe B. Long. As a result, changes in service for leaseholders will be effective Jan. 1, 2021:

All garbage routes will be picked up on Thursdays.

Curbside recycling will be discontinued.

Moving to one pickup day will allow Richardson Waste Removal to keep costs low and offer a sustainable service to the community. It will also be easy for Domain residents to remember the schedule. Residents who forget to put out their trash for Thursday pickup may take it to the Franklin County Convenience Center on Missouri Avenue or wait until the following Thursday pickup. The new service provider will not pick up garbage on major holidays. That week’s schedule will be adjusted and leaseholders will be notified in advance.

Only a limited number of residents had participated in the recycling service. Curbside recycling was not sustainable long-term, due both to the cost of pickup and handling and to residents’ attempts to recycle unacceptable items.

Beginning Jan. 1, residents should take recyclable items (plastic bottles and jugs, paper, aluminum, and cardboard, in addition to metals and waste oil) to the Franklin County Convenience Center, located at 132 Missouri Ave. Glass recycling is still available at 191 Kennerly Avenue. There is no change in the glass recycling process, which is entirely supported by local funds.

Richardson Waste Removal has been in business since 1963. The University has used their services for many years, such as for dumpsters during student move-out. They will work with the University Lease Office to keep the cost of garbage service in line with other nearby communities.

TDH Announces Testing Schedule Change

Self-testing available as TDH prepares for vaccine administration

Monday, December 14, 2020 | 04:25pm

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Department of Health COVID-19 testing sites across the state will begin offering self-testing kits to adults three days a week December 21, to allow staff members to transition to vaccination of frontline health care providers and first responders. Local county health departments will continue to offer COVID-19 testing five days a week at no charge for anyone who wishes to be tested.

“We’re making this transition so our Department of Health staff can assist with administration of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines,” said Tennessee Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP. “State-run health departments currently collect an average of only 16 percent of all COVID-19 tests statewide, and our change will not affect the wide availability of testing through private providers in Tennessee. While the arrival of vaccines is welcome, it is imperative that we not let up on basic best practices and continue to protect each other by wearing masks, practicing social distancing and staying home when sick.”

The new COVID-19 self-tests will be offered to adults on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays beginning Dec. 21. On these days, public health staff members at each TDH COVID-19 testing site will provide self-testing kits to adults who wish to be tested. Individuals will remain in their vehicles while completing paperwork and collecting their samples. Health departments will submit the samples for testing.

Adults tested with the new self-tests will register and receive their results online. The self-tests are not approved for use in children under age 18. Children and adults unable to register online can still receive the standard nasal swab COVID-19 tests on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Test results may be available within 72 hours of arrival at the lab, depending on the volume of tests the testing lab receives. Information will be provided to participants at testing locations on what they can expect after being tested. This information is also available online at www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-coronavirus/TestedGuidance.pdf.

COVID-19 testing is widely available in Tennessee from local health departments and other health care providers. A map of COVID-19 testing sites across the state is available at www.tn.gov/content/tn/health/cedep/ncov/remote-assessment-sites.html. Hours of operation and contact information are provided for each site.

TDH county health departments will be closed and will not offer COVID-19 testing Dec. 24 – 25 and Dec. 31, 2020 – Jan. 1, 2021 in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.

Notice, Monteagle Meetings

Monteagle City Council

The Monteagle City Council is scheduled to meet on Monday, Dec. 28, at 6 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall.

Monteagle Regional Planning Commission

The Monteagle Regional Planning Commission is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, Jan. 5, at 6 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall.

The Messenger received these notices on Dec. 15, 2021.

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