Sales Tax Holiday in Tennessee
For 2021, there are three sales tax holidays. The Tennessee General Assembly has approved two more sales tax holidays in addition to the traditional sales tax holiday on clothing, school supplies, and computers. For complete information go to <;.
Tennessee’s traditional sales tax holiday on clothing, school supplies and computers begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 30, 2021, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2021.
During this time clothing, school supplies and computers may be purchased tax-free. Certain restrictions apply. Items sold online are also eligible. Items must be purchase for personal use, not for business or trade.
During the period beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 30, 2021 and ending Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., food, food ingredients, and prepared foods are exempt from sales tax. This includes qualified sales of prepared food by restaurants, food trucks, caterers, and grocery stores.
Sales of alcoholic beverages are not included in items exempt during this period.
Gun safes and safety devices sold at retail are exempt from sales and use tax during the holiday period beginning at 12:01 a.m. on July 1, 2021 and ending at 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2022.
Come Join the Maskerade
The 35th Sewanee Fourth of July committee is pleased to announce all the events to help celebrate America. The theme this year is Maskerade.
In accordance with state masking protocols, masks are optional for attendance at the events on July 3 and July 4. Most of the events will occur outdoors to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19, but inherent risk to exposure exists in any public place where people are gathered.
MSSA Pub Run
Join the Monteagle Sunday School Assembly (MSSA) in celebrating their annual Pub Run starting at 8 a.m., Saturday, July 3. Runners will meet at the MSSA Front Gate and run to Shenanigans (6.4 miles) on the Mountain Goat Trail. Walkers may start at Dollar General. The fee for the run is $20. Pre-register at the MSSA Office or call (931) 924-2286 for more information. All are welcome to participate.
Street Dance & Splish Splash Bash
The celebration will begin on Saturday, July 3, at 5:30 p.m. with kid’s games, water slides, plenty of food vendors, and all-around family fun at Angel Park. The Street Dance will start at 7 p.m. featuring live music by Men of Soul.
Sunrise Yoga
The Sewanee Community Center is hosting a Sunrise Yoga session from 6–7:15 a.m. in Manigault Park. The class is free and for any level of yoga ability. Please bring your own mat. The rain location is in Sewanee Community Center. If it is raining and the class is indoors, the windows will be open for ventilation and we ask that all participants wear masks indoors in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Flag Raising
Greet the day with cheer and song! Join your friends and neighbors at Sewanee’s Fourth of July Flag Raising Ceremony sponsored by The Friends of Abbo’s Alley.
Note the change of location: This year, the ceremony will be held at 8 a.m. at the Sewanee Football Field instead of the traditional location of the Juhan Bridge in Abbo’s Alley. The change in location allows for more physical distancing, access to restrooms, and handicap accessibility. Sing patriotic songs with music by the Sewanee Summer Music Festival Brass Ensemble and observe the Rising of the Colors by Sewanee Boy Scout Troop 14. A light potluck breakfast will follow the ceremony on the lawn of the Centennial House (formerly known as the Kirby-Smith House) with coffee and juice provided by the Blue Chair and Friends of Abbo’s Alley. A light breakfast item to share (individually wrapped if possible) and/or a donation for the Friends of Abbo’s Alley would be appreciated.
For at least two decades, Sewanee Boy Scout Troop 14 has kicked off July 4 celebrations with this traditional flag raising ceremony at the historic Abbo’s Alley flagpole at the Juhan Bridge. The ceremony provides an opportunity to join with friends and neighbors to begin a full day of celebration through patriotic music and singing. Although the ceremony has been moved to the football field this year, it should be noted with great thanks that the historic flagpole has received a much-needed refurbishment by Troop 14’s own Porter Neubauer who repaired the flagpole, shored up stone steps, and planted native shrubs and trees in Abbo’s Alley as part of his Eagle Scout project.
For more information, contact Margaret Beaumont Zucker at (931)-598-5214. We hope to see you there!
Arts & Crafts Fair Vendors
We invite you to participate in our Arts & Crafts Fair beginning on Sunday, July 4, at 9 a.m. in Shoup Park, where you can view the parade without leaving your booth, rain or shine. There is a $20 non-refundable fee and spaces are limited and pre-assigned, so sign up early. Go to <> under Event Registration for more information and for your entry form or contact Bracie Parker at <> with any questions. Come spend the day with us, sell your wares, and enjoy the parade and other fun activities.
Arts & Crafts Fair
Join us in Shoup Park starting at 9 a.m. to find gifts for your friends and family or a treasure for yourself at the arts & crafts fair. Browse the booths for a wide variety of artisanal artifacts that just might be exactly what you were looking for.
Vendors along University Avenue will begin selling food and drinks at 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Visit the Munchie Map tab on <> to view all the food vendors and their planned locations. Map is also available on page 11 of this issue.
Mutt Show
Enter your favorite pooch in the 2021 Fourth of July Mutt Show! All dogs are welcome to compete — no talent necessary. Registration for the Mutt Show will take place from 9–9:45 a.m. in Manigault Park. The show begins at 10 a.m. Ribbons will be awarded for these canine categories: best dressed, owner/dog look-alike, best theme, best trick and judges’ choice. Entrants may register to compete in two categories. The registration fee is $5 per category, and all proceeds will go to the Fourth of July Fireworks. Audience members may contribute to Animal Harbor and MARC. In case of rain, the Mutt Show will take place in the Equestrian Center.
SSMF Pop-Up Brass Ensemble
The Sewanee Summer Music Festival Brass Ensembles will be performing around town beginning with an ensemble outside of All Saints’ Chapel following the 10 a.m. Eucharist service. Keep an ear out for their inspiring patriotic performances.
Children’s Games
Children’s games and bounce houses will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sewanee’s Central Quad.
Meet the Volunteer Organizations
From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., join us in Angel Park to discover the multitude of volunteer organizations supported by the Sewanee Community Chest and meet the people who make it all happen. You may even find an organization where you want to make a difference.
SCA Community Service Awards
Not being able to meet in-person for the past year, the Sewanee Civic Association invites you to join us in Angel Park at noon to honor the recipients of our 37th and 38th Community Service Awards and the 2020 and 2021 Summa Cum Laude Awards with an award presentation and champagne toast.
Cake Contest
Calling all cake bakers! Have a favorite cake recipe or a talent for cake decorating? Put your skills on display this Fourth of July by entering your cake in the Sewanee Woman’s Club annual Cake Contest! Entering is free of charge, and the winner of the Best All-Around Cake gets $100 cash, courtesy of The Sewanee Mountain Messenger and a $50 Piggly Wiggly gift card, courtesy of Piggly Wiggly in Monteagle. But there’s more!
Adult winners of the Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Best Representation of the Theme cakes will each a receive ribbon, a $50 gift card from Piggly Wiggly, and a $35 gift card from Shenanigans. Under-13 winners of the Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Best Representation of the Theme cakes each receive a ribbon, $10 cash courtesy of The Sewanee Mountain Messenger, and a gift certificate for ice cream from The Blue Chair. There will also be a Best All-Around prize for the children’s cakes.
Winners of the Best Tasting, Best Decorated, and Best Representation of the Theme contests will be entered in the Best All-Around Competition. Thanks to Ken Taylor for his ribbon sponsorship.
Show up to register and set up your cake between 9–9:45 a.m. on Sunday, July 4, in the American Legion Hall.
Winners will be announced at noon. Enter as an individual or as a team. One entry per person or per team. Go to <> under Event Registration for a printable registration form. Questions? Please call Paula Yeatman at (931) 598-0559.
Breslin Tower Bells
Also at noon, The University of the South Guild of Change Ringers will perform at Breslin Tower.
Carillon Concert
Charlene Williamson and Raymond Gotko will perform a Carillon Recital at 1 p.m. Bring a chair to All Saints’ Chapel to enjoy the music.
Parade Entries
The Fourth of July Parade Committee has been working for months on the biggest, best, most arms-open-wide parade Sewanee has ever seen. There will be fire engines, police cars, our grand marshals Dixon and Annwn Myers, and this year we want you and your organization to be recognized and cheered on in the Mask-CAR-ade parade.
Sewanee’s Fourth of July Parade celebrates America and its origins at a time when the ideals of freedom and good citizenship were agreed upon by all. The parade is an event where everyone feels welcome and respected—where spectators and participants alike feel proud of our big/little town for its creativity, diversity, and mutual respect.
The committee wants you to know there are so many creative ways to strut your stuff down University Avenue, and they range from traditional and elaborate, to simple, elegant, memorable and bizarre. Anything with wheels is good: flatbeds, cars, convertibles, golf carts, wagons, wheelbarrows, bikes, big wheels, scooters; but on foot (or hooves) could be even better, especially if you have a colorful banner (and/or signs, big hats, confetti, giant pinwheels) declaring who you are and what you do for this diverse community.
The parade begins at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 4, with line-up on Georgia Avenue starting at noon and with judging starting at 1 p.m. sharp. The categories for judging will be: trophies for best float, best decorated vehicle, and best horse; blue ribbons for best decorated bicycle, best banner, best costume, and individual judge’s picks.
If you’re interested in showing how your organization keeps alive the American spirit of opportunity and hope for all, please register online by June 30 at <> under Event Registration. Let’s see what Sewanee comes up with for our Mask-CAR-ade!!!!!
Parade Observers
Please do not park on university avenue. All vehicles must be moved before noon to make room for the parade. Some parking will be available at the Sewanee Community Center/Sewanee Senior Center behind the Sewanee Market. The parade will begin at 2 p.m. starting at the caution light at the intersection of Georgia and University Avenues and will travel downtown. Please note that sirens will be on for the duration of the parade.
SSMF Event
The Sewanee Summer Music Festival students and Sewanee Symphony Orchestra will be performing in All Saints’ Chapel at 3:30 p.m. This is a ticketed event ($10).
Air Show
Weather permitting, the Air Show will take place at 3:30 p.m. at the Sewanee Airport.
Airplane Rides
Airplane rides will be available for adults and children after the parade until 6 p.m. at the Sewanee Airport. Parents must be present to give written permission for children under age 18 to ride. Airplane rides cost $30 per person.
Volleyball Tournament
Everyone ages 13 and up is invited to participate in a volleyball tournament starting at 5 p.m. at Lake Cheston. Each team must have at least four players and at least two female players. Register online at <> under Event Registration to reserve your team’s spot in the tournament or register on July 4 at the event. There is no fee to participate, and the grand prize is $100 cash.
Fireworks & Food Truck Alley
There will be plenty of food vendors lined up along Breakfield Road starting at 5 p.m. to feed your appetite while you wait for the fireworks to start. Visit the Munchie Map tab on <> to view all the food vendors that will be available.
After dark, the Fireworks Show will be at Lake Cheston. There will be a suggested donation of $1 to contribute to next year’s fireworks.
This is a walking or biking event for most participants. Please plan accordingly to walk or bike to Lake Cheston. Parking at the Lake will be limited to disabled and special needs only. You will need to display your Disabled Driver Decal or Placard to be allowed to park at Lake Cheston.

Join The Sisters of St. Mary for a Virtual Retreat Weekend
The Sisters of St. Mary are continuing their Virtual Program Series in June with two events creating a virtual retreat weekend. This year, the Sisters’ annual picnic gathering for Associates and friends will be held on Zoom. Participants are invited to bring their own picnic and join the Sisters, from wherever they are in the world, for conversation in community. The Picnic evening together will end with the service of Compline.
Then, on the following morning, Sister Hannah will lead a virtual program titled “Forgotten Names of God.” “Who do you say that I am?” is a question that Jesus asked his disciples in the gospel of Matthew. Peter’s response, in declaring that Jesus was the Messiah, was a key confession of faith that we continue to remember today. But what about God? Who do you say that God is? Come explore some of the forgotten names of God from the Old Testament and see how a wider understanding of God can deepen our faith.
Sister Hannah, CSM has been a member of the Community of St. Mary, Southern Province, for the past five years. She began her ministries within the Community by managing the guest ministries as well as the chapel services as the Sister sacristan. She continues to help manage the Community’s website, social media, and online gift shop and promote convent events online. During her time in the Community, she has been active in preaching at a variety of Episcopal churches and schools both in-person and online, and traveled out-of-state to preach and teach adult forums at various churches. She recently graduated from the University of the South with a Master of Arts in Theology in December 2020.
Participants need to register for each event separately. The Picnic will be 5–7 p.m., today (Friday), June 25, and is a free event. The program will be 9 a.m.–1 p.m., Saturday, June 26, and the cost of this session is $25. Those interested can learn more and register at <>.
Music Event at St. Mark’s Community Center
Begin celebrating the July 4 weekend on the afternoon of Saturday, July 3. Come to St. Mark’s Community Center on Alabama Avenue near the Willie Six Field.
Enjoy Jazz, Blues and Rhythm presented by Winchester area artists Ashley and Zach Brooks and Compan3 from 3–7:30 p.m.
Bring your lawn chair and the family; relax and enjoy the music. Food items and beverages will be available for purchase at the site. There is no charge to attend; donations gratefully accepted either at the site or contact Carl P. Hill. We look forward to seeing you.
Log Cabin Court House Repair Project
The Cowan Commercial Club requests help to repair the Log Cabin Court House in Cowan’s Railroad Park.
The cabin we see today was constructed in 1975 for our nation’s Bi-Centennial Celebration. The logs were salvaged from an historic log cabin that originally stood in the Williams Cove area.
The log cabin represents the original home of Major William Russell, who served as the first Judge Magistrate of Franklin County. Court sessions and court musters were held on Russell home place from 1807 until 1814 when the county seat was formally developed in Winchester.
After 40-plus years of exposure to the elements the log cabin needs repair work. All contributions to this project are welcome.
Donations can be made through PayPal at <;, in-person at Citizens Tri-County Bank, Cowan branch, or checks by mail to Cowan Commercial Club, Log Cabin Project, P.O. Box 585, Cowan, TN 37318.
For more information go to <>.

STEM Challenge Lemonade Stand Benefits Mountain Goat Trail
Rising third-grade students worked hard to complete their summer school STEM challenge at Sewanee Elementary by planning their own lemonade stand. Students completed a business plan, taste-tested the lemonade, prepared a cost analysis, designed advertisements, and researched an organization to receive their profits. Because of generous donations, the students were able to contribute the proceeds from the sale, $395.81, to the Mountain Goat Trail Alliance in memory of former SES student, Gus Croom. Thank you to our Sewanee community for your support. Rising third-grader Allie Welch said, “The trail serves as a safe place to ride your bike, and we hope our donation will allow them to continue adding more miles. Also, we know Gus loved mountain biking, so we wanted to support something he loved.”

Barry to Step Down from Fourth of July Committee
by Bailey Basham, Messenger Staff Writer
After more than 8 years of leading the efforts to organize Sewanee’s beloved annual Fourth of July celebration, Jade Barry will be stepping down as chairperson of the planning committee.
Barry, who has described the Fourth of July as better than Christmas, said she feels it is time for new leadership on the organizing committee.
“My husband and I have volunteered on multiple boards almost nonstop since our son was born. We have a serious heart for community and servant leadership. After a few years of just enjoying the celebrations and being part of the community, we hope to be ready to swing back into action again,” she said. “The celebration has so much potential to grow and be successful, and I think it’s time for someone with fresh, new ideas to take over.”
Barry said she and the other organizers do not yet know who will be taking over the planning process, but it is her hope that whoever chooses to do so will be able to draw upon the magic of the celebration and reach new heights with the event.
“There is something for almost everyone on the schedule of events, and that’s part of why it’s my favorite day of the year,” she said. “It’s really a day when everyone can feel welcomed, accepted and able to have fun. With whoever comes in to keep the celebration going, I know that will remain the same.”
Despite choosing to step down, Barry said she and her family would not miss future Fourth of July celebrations for anything.
“My family and I have a picnic on the grass on University Avenue every year during the celebration, and we all have so much fun,” she said.
This year’s celebration will be centered around a “Maskerade Ball” theme. Read the full schedule of events here
For anyone interested in becoming chairperson of the organizing committee, email Barry at <>.
OperaFest Takes SSMF to New Heights
by Bailey Basham, Messenger Staff Writer
This year, select student musicians with the Sewanee Summer Music Festival (SSMF) will be able to add operatic training to their festival experience.
Laura Brooks Rice, voice teacher with the Cafritz Young Artists of Washington National Opera and director of the Sewanee Opera Intensive, said through OperaFest Sewanee, students will be able to craft skills in areas such as vocal technique, languages, stagecraft and dramatic work.
“OperaFest Sewanee is bringing together 23 opera singers and four pianists for a month of intensive training and performing opportunities,” Brooks Rice said. “Sewanee is a very meaningful place for me and my family, and I am delighted to bring singing to the mountain. During the program, I will plan curriculum, work with the faculty to create a holistic and well-rounded training program, and I will be the primary voice teacher for all the singers.”
Rice added that the aim of the program is twofold — she and SSMF leadership hope to discover new talent through nationwide auditions and to bring artists together in Sewanee to work with some of the greatest operatic teachers in the world.
“Laura Brooks Rice is one of the finest vocal teachers in the world, and she lives right here in Sewanee. We are so happy to have these wonderful young singers on campus working with Laura and our outstanding vocal faculty. In the future we look forward to continued collaborations between our instrumental and vocal students and faculty, as well as commissions of new compositions for voice and instrumental groups,” said Executive and Artistic Director John Kilkenny. “This is truly an exciting time for the SSMF.”
In addition to Brooks Rice’s leadership, students at the festival will learn under faculty from the Metropolitan Opera, Vienna State Opera, Washington National Opera and the Atlanta Opera.
“They will provide our singers and pianists with musical coaching, dramatic classes and voice lessons that will arm them with information and skills needed as they enter professional auditions and performances,” Brooks Rice said.
This month-long intensive will culminate with performances in Aria Showcase concerts, chamber music concerts and public classes with experts from the opera industry. The students will also perform Much Ado About Opera, which will feature scenes from operatic settings of works by William Shakespeare, including “Romeo and Juliet,” “Othello,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “Falstaff” and “Macbeth.”
“The singers will have been working with Emeritus faculty David Landon the entire four weeks of the program on elocution of Shakespearean text and diving deeper into character development with his guidance. Although most of the program will be sung, there will be some spoken Shakespeare to accent the flow of the program. It’s a unique opportunity for opera singers of this caliber to be able to collaborate with a great acting coach and Shakespeare expert that is David.”
Above all, Brooks Rice said the OperaFest programming will prepare each of its students to enter the opera industry and serve as a launching pad for many of the young artists’ careers.
“Training artists for a career in the operatic industry is a long and winding road—each individual’s path, training needs and artistry is unique to them. Programs like this provide artists with personalized training that meets them where they are and thus helps them to take the important next step in their careers,” she said.
The Sewanee Summer Music Festival will run through July 18. For more information about performances or to purchase tickets, visit <>.
Sewanee Airport Easement Troubles Franklin County Commission
by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer
“All we’re looking for is transparency, accountability, and proper representation,” Midway property owner Matt Hughes said, addressing the Franklin County Commission at the June 21 meeting. Hughes highlighted concerns which surfaced in conjunction with the University seeking avigation easements from property owners to allow for tree cutting at the Sewanee-Franklin County Airport. The airport, managed by the University, is owned by Franklin County.
“My understanding is the landowners oppose the easements,” said Hughes, unofficial spokesperson for an incipient citizens coalition. Unsatisfied with financial information given by the University at a May 3 town meeting, Hughes said he filed a Freedom of Information request with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). He shared the documents he received with the commissioners.
Hughes called to their attention the $4 million economic benefit the county received from the airport, noting that $1.5 million of the benefit was wages for airport employees. Hughes also cited the more than $5 million 10-year plan to apply for grants to improve and expand the airport, which included runway, taxiway and hanger construction, and terminal expansion. Hughes said at the May 3 meeting the community was told the tree cutting was needed to comply with TDOT regulations, and there were no plans to expand the airport.
Hughes said he asked the University for a 10-year operations budget, and had not received it. Franklin County Mayor David Alexander said he made the same request, on May 18, and had not received the document.
Hughes pointed out in the past that the tree cutting was accomplished by “a gentleman’s agreement” without an easement. Speaking on behalf of his father Jerry Jacobs, one of the affected property owners, Jim Jacobs said his father agreed to cut the trees, but before the task was done, surveyors came on the property without permission.
“We haven’t said one word about not cutting the trees,” Jacobs said. “But the University running in and out doesn’t set well with us.” Jacobs said he recently received a letter about an appraiser visiting to set a value on the property for the easement. “We don’t want to sell it, and we don’t want to price it,” Jacobs insisted.
Commissioner Helen Stapleton suggested comparing airport grants received in the past 10 years with the $5 million grant plan for the next 10 years. “If the amounts are the same, there would be not much to worry about [concerning expansion],” Stapleton said. “The total [in past grants] is $3 million,” Alexander said.
Hughes said the Herald Chronicle reported Stapleton, Alexander and Commissioner Johnny Hughes proposed establishing an “airport authority.” “We support this,” said Hughes. He suggested an oversight committee with one commissioner from the Mountain and one commissioner from the valley.
Commissioner Eddie Clark questioned a $459 expense for three students to take flight classes and asked if grant money awarded to the county was paying for this. Hughes said the comptroller was looking into the expense.
County Finance Director Andrea Smith explained when the county received airport grant funds from TDOT, the county wrote the University a check. Smith said this method had created audit problems, and she would prefer to reimburse vendors directly, the method used for handling other grants.
Alexander said 1954 and 1993 documents governed the airport-management relationship between the county and the University. Assigning authority to an oversight committee would be in conflict with the existing agreements. Stapleton noted the initial “airport authority” proposed was a committee to facilitate communication. Alexander said that would not be in conflict with the agreements in place.
“They [the University] are starting to get really aggressive with development,” said Midway resident Dan Barry. “Why can’t they shorten the runway…and cut trees on the Sewanee side instead of coming on private landowners…That’s why we want the committee so they can explain these things to us.”
“We wouldn’t be at this point if there was a committee in the past,” said Commissioner J. Hughes. “The rumor mill exploded…If everyone had to sit down and look at one another and talk, it wouldn’t have gotten to this.”
Commissioner Adam Casey said there was “no excuse” for the University’s failure to provide an operations budget. “It’s a public airport owned by the tax payers.”
The commission is expected to take up the airport authority question at the July 20 meeting.
Free Summer Meal Program in Full-Swing
Now in the third-week of operation, the South Cumberland Summer Meal Program has served more than 15,000 meals to plateau children and continues to serve at all 17 locations this week. The program will be in operation the week of July 5, with minor changes to the distribution schedule. Please watch local press and social media early next week for distribution details.
Free meals are available for all children 18 and younger, regardless of need. All families are encouraged to participate. At most locations, meals are distributed in drive-thru, grab-and-go fashion with as many as 10 meals per child available at one time. Children need not be present during meal distribution and any adult may pick up meals for children. This means grandparents, neighbors, and parents are welcome to pick up free meals for children in their home or neighborhood.
The popular program prevents summer learning loss in children by providing nutritious meals and supplementary reading materials during the summer months. The program is a joint venture of the University of the South, the University’s McClurg Dining Hall, the South Cumberland Community Fund, and the South Cumberland Plateau AmeriCorps VISTA Project. The VISTA Project administers the USDA-funded program and staffs meal distribution locations across the plateau each summer with up to 20 AmeriCorps Summer Associate VISTAs.
The program has added new grab-and-go distribution sites including the Sewanee Community Center (Thursdays, 2:30-4 p.m.), Beersheba Springs Assembly (Thursdays, 10 a.m.–noon), Monteagle Greene Apartments (Tuesdays 10 a.m.–noon) and Morton Memorial UMC (Fridays 1–2:30 p.m.). See the complete schedule below.
The University of the South in partnership with the South Cumberland Community Fund, operates the South Cumberland Summer Meal Program. The program is participating in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) administered by the Tennessee Department of Human Services under an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The program operates through July 30, 2021.
Meals are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at the sites and times as follows:
Beersheba Springs Assembly, 58 Hege Avenue, Beersheba Springs, through July 29, Thursdays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Camp Rain, 626 Bennett Cemetery Rd., Decherd, June 28–July 2, Monday–Friday, 8–10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. No service on June 30.
Coalmont Elementary School, 7862 SR 56, Coalmont, through July 30, Fridays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Community Action Committee, 216 University Ave., Sewanee, July 8–29, Thursdays, 2:30–4 p.m.
Epiphany Mission Episcopal Church, 62 Mountain Ave. W., Sherwood, through July 30, Fridays, noon–1 p.m.
Franklin County Prevention Coalition, 900 S Shepherd St., Winchester, through July 27, Mondays & Tuesdays, 4–6 p.m., (no service June 28–29, July 5).
Grace Center of Hope, Inc., 912 S College St., Winchester, July 13–29, Tuesdays–Thursdays, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Grundy Housing Authority, 187 Raulston Ave., Monteagle, through July 27, Tuesdays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Monteagle Greene Apartments, 48 Madison Ave., Monteagle, through July 27, Tuesdays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Morton Memorial UMC, 322 W. Main St., Monteagle, through July 30, Fridays, 1–2:30 p.m.
North Elementary School, 309 Main St., Altamont, through July 29, Thursdays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Palmer Elementary School, 226 Palmer Rd., Palmer, through July 29, Thursdays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Pelham Elementary School, 2402 TN-50, Pelham, through July 30, Fridays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Sewanee Community Center, 39 Ball Park Rd., Sewanee, through July 1, Thursdays, 2:30–4 p.m.
Swiss Memorial Elementary School, 477 55th Ave., Gruetli-Laager, through July 29, Thursdays, 10 a.m.–noon.
Tracy City Elementary School, 276 3rd St., Tracy City, through July 30, Fridays, 10 a.m.–noon.
University Child Care Center, 574 Georgia Ave., Sewanee, through July 30, Monday–Friday, 8–10 a.m. No service July 1–7.
Meals are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. To file a program complaint alleging discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (AD-3027), found online at <http://www.ascr.usda/gov/compl...; and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866)632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410
(202)690-7442; or
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Senator Bowling announces June Town Hall Listening Meetings
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma) announced the schedule for her Town Hall Listening Meetings in District 16. In her monthly meetings, Bowling offers assistance with state services and listens to concerns citizens have for the State Legislature.
“These meetings allow me to connect with the great citizens of District 16, providing a listening ear on issues of importance to Tennesseans and assisting our communities I was elected to serve in any way I can,” said Sen. Bowling.
The June meetings include:
Date | County | Meeting Location | Time |
June 21 | Coffee County | Admin Bldg. / Manchester | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. |
June 21 | Coffee County | City Hall / Tullahoma | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. |
June 22 | Marion County | Courthouse / Jasper | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. |
June 22 | Sequatchie County | Courthouse / Dunlap | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. |
June 23 | Grundy County | Courthouse / Altamont | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. |
June 23 | Franklin County | Franklin Co. Annex / Winchester | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. |
June 24 | Van Buren County | Van Buren Justice Center / Spencer | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. |
June 24 | Warren County | Warren Co. Admin Bldg. / McMinnville | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. |
Bowling said the meetings will continue each month through October.
Sen. Bowling’s office can be reached year-round at 615-741-6694.
Mentors Needed for TN Promise
tnAchieves has begun its effort to recruit 9,000 volunteer mentors to meet the goal of providing a local support system to every TN Promise applicant in the Class of 2022.
Although TN Promise is a financial aid program, a critical component and often the difference maker for many students is the volunteer mentor. Mentors work with a small group of three to seven students as they transition from high school to college. Mentors send reminders of important deadlines, serve as a trusted college resource and, most importantly, encourage students to reach their full potential. All mentors complete a one-hour online training and receive weekly updates on the program and its requirements.
“You cannot replace the committed, encouraging support offered by a local mentor,” says tnAchieves Executive Director Krissy DeAlejandro. “Through the challenges of the past year, we have been grateful to our volunteers across the state who answered the call to ensure students successfully transition to college and feel seen. While TN Promise funding is important, mentors represent the heart of our program.”
Current tnAchieves mentors indicate that they only spend about one hour per month in their volunteer role. tnAchieves mentors also have access to tnAchieves CONNECT, a virtual mentoring platform that allows for efficient and safe online connections for serving students.
“For the last 13 years, tnAchieves has provided high-impact mentor support for students,” says tnAchieves Director of Mentors Tyler Ford. “Virtual mentoring has made it possible to continue supporting students locally while doing so safely. If you have one hour a month and believe in the transformative power of education, you can serve as an outstanding mentor for students in your community.”
Mentors can serve students in their community from home, offering support via text, email, calls and video chat on their schedule. Those interested in learning more or applying can visit
tnAchieves is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that has been providing scholarships with mentor support since 2008. To learn more about tnAchieves, or apply to mentor please visit tnAchieves.orgor contact Tyler Ford at
TN Promise provides every high school senior the opportunity to attend a community or technical college tuition free. The scholarship application is available for students beginning their senior year of high school at
Help Wanted: Tennessee Seeks Employees for Thriving Leisure and Hospitality Industry
Friday, June 18, 2021 | 07:36am
NASHVILLE – June 17, 2021 – Tennessee’s Department of Tourist Development (TDTD) and HospitalityTN are joining forces to attract workers to the state’s thriving leisure and hospitality industry. The new “Come Work, Come Play” campaign launched today and urges prospective employees to consider hospitality jobs for their flexible hours, career advancement opportunities and strong sense of community. The state’s No. 2 industry is experiencing a travel resurgence as hotels, restaurants and attractions experience their highest growth rates since the pandemic. Interested job seekers can visit and search open hospitality positions in Tennessee listed by category.
Tens of thousands of Tennesseans lost their jobs during the pandemic and the leisure and hospitality industry was hit the hardest, accounting for 72.3% of net jobs lost in the state over 2019 according to the Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development. Tennessee’s Leisure and hospitality industry did add 9,100 jobs in April 2021. Prior to the pandemic, leisure and hospitality had the highest year-over-year growth for any industry, with 349,000 total employees among arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services. Today, the industry employs roughly 302,200 Tennesseans (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).
“There is truly no better place to live, work and play than right here in Tennessee,” said Commissioner Mark Ezell, Tennessee Department of Tourist Development. “We’re eager to partner with HospitalityTN and do our part in getting Tennesseans back to work and positioning our state for success as travel returns.”
Rob Mortensen, President and CEO of HospitalityTN added “Tennessee is an amazing place to work and play! Our most valuable resource is our people. No matter what you do, where you go, or where you work, you will find that we all stand together for a better Tennessee. This administration has stepped up in so many ways during the last year, and this is yet another example of our Governor and his team going above and beyond the call for action. We are excited and proud to work with the Department of Tourist Development to help get folks back to work and back to living their best Tennessee life! Thank you Commissioner Ezell and team for making a difference and changing lives!”
Created by marketing agency VMLY&R, the digital campaign marks the first joint workforce development effort for TDTD and HospitalityTN and aims to engage prospective employees at all levels, from college-minded students seeking part-time jobs to retirees looking to supplement their income. Videos and digital ads showcase Tennessee’s greatest assets such as working among the great outdoors, in world-renowned concert venues or with award-winning chefs. Digital ads will run in major markets across Tennessee and in out-of-state markets that show a high propensity for relocation including Austin, Dallas, Las Vegas, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, Charlotte, Atlanta, Orlando, New Orleans, Milwaukee and Washington D.C.
As travel resurges, recruiting workers back to the industry is critical. Tennessee is outpacing the recovery nationwide, according to weekly hotel reports by STR. May 2021 saw the highest occupancy statewide since November 2019. Tennessee remains a top destination for travelers. According to Arrivalist, trips to Tennessee were 9.6% higher in April 2021 compared to April 2019.
Nearly four in 10 (38%) Americans start their career in a travel-related job, according to U.S. Travel. Furthermore, travel is the No. 1 industry for Americans reentering the workforce due to its flexible hours, entry level opportunities, acceptance of all backgrounds, diversity of available work and sheer size.
Business owners can take advantage of the campaign through August by posting open jobs at
SSMF Opens on June 19
by Bailey Basham, Messenger Staff Writer
Beginning this weekend, music returns to the Mountain — and with it, more than 200 student musicians from around the country.
The season of the Sewanee Summer Music Festival (SSMF) will commence on Saturday, June 19, with performances by both the Cumberland Orchestra and the Sewanee Symphony Orchestra.
Different from previous years is the performance schedule. This year, the Cumberland Orchestra will perform weekly on Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m., followed by the Sewanee Symphony on Sunday afternoons at 3:30 p.m.
“The change in schedule was something I had been thinking about for a while based on the level of musicians we now have coming to SSMF. Those marathon Sunday concerts were getting to be too much for both our faculty, students and patrons. Having the Cumberland Orchestra present their own concert on Friday night also gives that orchestra their own identity — they are no longer sort of the opening act for the Sewanee Symphony Orchestra concerts,” said executive and artistic director John Kilkenny.
In addition to the change in schedule, this year’s festival performances were organized around a theme — one that will be particularly meaningful to the student musicians, faculty, staff and Mountain residents alike.
“This year, our theme is ‘Welcome Home,’ as there are so many people that attend festival performances who consider Sewanee home. So many of our participants make lifelong connections at the festival, and this theme is a way to honor our being able to come back together,” he said. “After such a difficult year, we cannot think of a better way to welcome everyone back.”
Welcoming folks back to the Mountain, Assistant Conductor of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra Kalena Bovell will lead the Sewanee Symphony Orchestra through a repertoire peppered with Dvorak, Coleridge Taylor, Walker and Schuman. Following Bovell’s Sewanee debut, JoAnn Falletta, Robert Moody, Janna Hymes and Chris Cicconi will conduct throughout the season.
“This is Kalena’s first time in Sewanee, and we are thrilled to welcome her to the Sewanee Summer Music Festival family,” Kilkenny said. “Nothing beats a live, in-person performance, both for our students and the wider community. The arts truly have the power to create community. They bring people together in a way that nothing else can do. Music unites us in a common purpose and cause, and to be back this season is such a delight.”
Tickets for in-person and streaming performances are on sale now. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit <>;.
FC Schools Staffing Shortage Worries
by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer
“This is a bigger concern to me than anything,” said Human Resources Supervisor Linda Foster, alerting the Franklin County School Board to a staffing shortage at the June 14 school board meeting. The board also took up several policy issues.
Foster listed openings for two assistant principals, two guidance counselors, two art teachers, one regular teacher at Sewanee Elementary, two custodial positions, and four or five special education teachers. “We lost three teachers to Tullahoma last year,” Foster said.
The 2021–22 budget calls for a 2.5 percent cost of living wage increase for all school system employees. Certified teachers also receive step increases for years of service and degree advancement. Foster explained, with the step increases, all certified teachers will receive at least a 3.5 percent wage increase, while those with more than 20 years of experience will receive a 4.5 percent increase, a hiring perk Foster incorporated into the budget this year. “This is a major plus for us right now,” Foster said. Director of Schools Stanley Bean said the county finance committee had passed the budget on first reading.
Foster directed the board’s attention to the new state minimum salary for certified teachers. With the 2021–22 budget increases, Franklin County surpasses the state minimum at all levels. Starting salary for teachers is $39,158, while the state minimum is $38,000. Foster expressed concern, however, that for teachers with six and 11 years of experience, the county wage was only slightly above the minimum.
Foster also expressed concern about the shortage of special education teachers. In April, the board approved a differentiated pay scale for special education assistants depending on the demands of the role. Foster suggested the board might consider a differentiated pay scale for special education teachers depending on the challenges posed by the group the teacher instructed.
Foster outlined the certified staff hiring option available to the school system. All teachers must have a practitioner’s license. People pursuing licensure by enrollment in a preparatory program in a state university may apply for a “job imbedded practitioner’s license,” Foster said. As a last resort, the school can hire an unlicensed person with a bachelor’s degree, but the director of schools must sign a permit allowing the practice, and the school must be able to demonstrate it actively pursued filling the position.
Turning to policy, Foster reminded the board the provision allowing for 10 days of paid COVID leave expired May 28. The board discussed the possibility of reinstating the provision if necessary.
The board approved a revised Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority policy, which provides for the director of schools to grant a second hearing if a review is requested. Foster noted the original policy contained this provision, but the amended version adopted last year, at the Tennessee School Board Association’s (TSBA) recommendation, removed the director of schools from the process.
Looking ahead, Foster advised the board the TSBA had recommended more than 30 policy amendments for the coming school year. The board will take up the amendments at a special called meeting 6 p.m., Thursday, July 8.
Bean announced the Zoom format meetings would not continue going forward. Board member Sarah Marhevsky suggested recording the meetings via Zoom and making them available on Facebook or the website to promote community outreach. Bean will investigate the possibility.
The board approved the sale of Franklin County High School old band uniforms, equipment, and instruments no longer typically used by marching bands. Band Director Chris Crumley said he would reach out to other county schools to determine if any of the equipment or instruments might find a home there. Crumley pointed to the “nostalgia value” of some items that might bring a high price and provide money to the band for future purchases.