Community Chest Applications Available
Sponsored by the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA), the Sewanee Community Chest (SCC) is pleased to announce the beginning of the 2024–25 grant cycle. All nonprofits that benefit the community are encouraged to apply.
The 2024–25 funding application can be downloaded from the website at <>;. The application deadline is Friday, Sept. 13, 2024. Grant funds will be distributed starting April 2025, contingent on funding availability.
This year, organizations can apply online with this form
<;. It does require you to have a Gmail email account.
The SCC is a nonprofit organization and relies on funding from the community in order to support charitable programs throughout the greater Sewanee area. As the 2024–25 grant cycle begins, the SCC is also kicking off its yearly fundraising campaign.
The SCA urges everyone who benefits from life in this community, whether you live, work, or visit, to give generously. Donations are tax deductible. Contributions, payroll deductions and pledges are accepted at any time at P.O. Box 99, Sewanee, TN 37375. You can also make a donation through PayPal Giving.
For more information, email <>.