Christ Church Observes Building’s 100 Years
The congregation of Christ Church (Episcopal) in Tracy City will observe the 100th anniversary of its current building on Sunday, Feb. 16, according to Beth Thomas, senior warden. Christ Church is the oldest continuously operating Episcopal church on the South Cumberland Plateau, she noted.
To commemorate the event, the Rev. David Goodpaster, Vicar, will celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 11 a.m. in the church, followed by a potluck luncheon in the Father Adamz Memorial Parish House. The parish house has served as a fellowship hall and community center since 1952. All current members, former members and the public are invited to attend. Please bring a dish to share.
The church began in 1868 when the Rt. Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, Bishop of Tennessee and Vice Chancellor of the University of the South, conducted the first service in a sawmill shed across from the railroad depot in Tracy City. Worship services continued there until a community structure, Temperance Hall, was built for people of all denominations.
In 1873, local Episcopalians erected their own church—the town’s first—under the leadership of Milnor Jones, a student at the School of Theology at Sewanee. He had the financial backing of three widowed sisters. Jones was among countless Sewanee seminarians who trekked to Tracy City by train, horseback and on foot to conduct services at the mountain mission. In gratitude, church members fed and lodged them.
The Rev. Henry Easter arrived in 1891. A master carver who served Christ Church until 1896, he left his mark by carving the altar in memory of his mother. He also created the bishop’s chair, priest’s chair and desk, lectern and communion rail.
In 1925, a new church replaced the original one damaged severely by a storm. Miraculously, Father Easter’s hand-carved works survived the storm and were installed in the new structure. Three inspirational stained glass windows were added above the altar. St. Margaret’s Guild raised the money to purchase the windows, while other windows, including one by Tiffany, were gifts of several prominent church families.
Christ Church welcomes all people and fosters a deep connection with God through worship, education, service, spiritual growth and community engagement.